Save A Child’s Life

Save A Child’s Life

Baby Suvathammal, aged 1 year, has a critical congenital heart condition that requires immediate care. Her condition continues to deteriorate – surgery is her only option! She comes from a very poor family near Chennai. Suvathammal’s father is a Corporation...
Congenital Heart Defect

Congenital Heart Defect

A congenital heart defect is a problem with the structure of the heart. It is present at birth. Congenital heart defects are the most common type of major birth defect. A baby’s heart begins to develop shortly after conception. During development, structural defects...
Noel Foundation Crosses its first milestone with a bang

Noel Foundation Crosses its first milestone with a bang

The stage was set, the acclaimed musicians were performing, the Museum Theatre reverberated the sweet music and the audience came alive as the curtains went up! Yes, 20th July 2019 was an unforgettable night that commemorated the 5th Anniversary of the Noel...
Need your support for Master Rajon

Need your support for Master Rajon

Master Rajon (4/M) (MIOT Hospital -M.R.No. 381829), S/o Mr. B. Praveen Kumar resident of Warangal was evaluated at the MIOT Centre for Children’s Cardiac Care, MIOT Hospitals, Chennai. He is diagnosed to have complex Congenital heart disease: Dextrocardia,...