Noel Foundation Team
Passionate – Driven – Dedicated
The Noel Foundation family is a team of dedicated, skilled and committed people from various professions who share the same vision of making a difference in the lives of children born with congenital heart anomalies.

Hilda Priyadarshini
Founder – President
There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other, wings.
– Hodding Carter
Hilda Priyadarshini is the founder and president of NOEL FOUNDATION. She is a professional in the field of education with over 20 years of experience. She holds a Master’s degree in Commerce and a specialisation in Early Childhood Education. She founded Noel Foundation in the year 2013.
It was born out of the adversity she faced herself when her then month old baby son, Shaun Noel, (who is now a 15 year old boy), was suffering from congenital heart ailment and had to undergo multiple surgeries and needed continued medical treatments. In the midst of her pain she thought about other children undergoing the same illness but were unable to receive treatment due to their economic conditions. She then decided to do her best to help as many children as she can, who are fighting the same ailment to get the appropriate medical treatment and support. Hilda lives in Chennai, India, with her husband Sudheer and their two children, Shaun Noel and Sheryl Priya.

Bornona Goswami
Liaison Officer
History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.
– Nelson Mandela
Bornona is a musician by profession and has an expertise of working as a writer & creative director for many mainstream television shows and advertisements for over 6 years in Mumbai. She is a trained classical singer as well. Her love for children prompted her to join Noel Foundation. Bornona is responsible for the administration and fundraising at Noel Foundation. She liaisons between corporates and hospitals conducting events, creating relationships and managing various activities with respects to public relations and corporate social responsibility departments.

Semona Michael
Content specialist
To every child – I dream of a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peace and be happy. — Malala Yousafzai
Semona Michael, is a Mass Media graduate with a specialisation in Advertising. She has over eleven years of experience in the field of corporate training, business development and education content development. At Noel Foundation she oversees the communications while simultaneously fundraising for a cause that she is passionate about. She believes that all children deserve access to education, medical care, besides the important basic necessities like food, clothing, security and love! Semona Michael lives with her husband and two children in Mumbai, India.

Krishnam Raju Akula (Kris / Christopher)
Brand and Technology Advisor
Charity starts in our hearts and each one of us should give back to the needy in our society from what we have. — Krishnam
Krishnam Raju Akula is a Creative Communications Specialist with a Bachelors in Computer Applications and Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication. He has over 20 years of experience in brand management, digital communications, web development, digital asset management, personalisation and campaign automation. At Noel Foundation, Krishnam presides as the Brand and Technology Advisor. Krishnam hails from Vizag, the City of Destiny. He is married to Deepti with two daughters, Aradhana and Stuti.
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Every gift, large or small, symbolizes an investment in the future. When you support Noel Foundation, You will be supporting a needy family of India which desperately needs a helping hand in ensuring their Child receive the medical care, education and love.