Noel Foundation

Shaping the Future of Children (First Generation Learners)


“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself” – John Dewey.

One of the missions of The Noel Foundation is to help prepare school children especially first-generation learners for life.

The term First-Generation learners (FGL) refers to the students who are the first ones in their entire generation to go to school and receive an education. Most of these learners are children of agricultural laborers, bonded laborers, daily-wage earners, and civic-sanitation workers with no educational background. For these children, education is a distant dream and inaccessible as they lack the financial support of their family. Most of these children are engaged in some form of household chores such as fetching water, cleaning, washing, and taking care of younger siblings. With meager income in these families, there are no funds to educate the child and they are dependent on outside sources to gain access to education. According to statistics, 85 million children live in rural India, and they are the ones on whom their families’ hopes are vested.


1. To help re-build the lives of children from these poor socio-economic backgrounds by providing free quality education and transforming the lives of first-generation learners.

2. To use a sound curriculum and provide a holistic learning environment that enhances physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth in each child helping them develop skills in multiple domains.

3. To build a long-term relationship to ensure continuous motivation towards higher education while pursuing a more meaningful life.

4. To motivate these children in their school journey, the foundation plans to provide resources for basic schoolings such as good school bags, lunch boxes, water bottles, notebooks, and stationery items. This school kit will stimulate them to go to school and learn.

5. To provide opportunities through which a child can engage via the life skills curriculum to make responsible choices


Be a game-changer!

Your support will go a long way in providing life-changing opportunities. It will have a greater impact on their lives leading to sustainable economic development.

When you partner with us, you

1. Support by providing an opportunity for these children to attend formal school. This will help to break the cycle of poverty, opening the doors of first-generation learners to a brighter future through education.

2. Help rebuild the lives of these children. Formal education will lead to better opportunities to break the vicious cycle of poverty.

3. Help in shaping their character – This will provide a platform where their character can be molded to transform them into better individuals leading to improving the society in which they live. This is a unique opportunity to shape their future.








Donations to this NGO have 50% tax exemption for Indian donors.