A Big Thank you
A big thank you for journeying with us in our endeavour to help children with congenital heart anomalies get treatment, heal and live the life they are meant to be living. Your support, encouragement and contribution enabled us to touch many children! Thank you for your love and support.
We remain committed to working for the cause of congenital children in India. We can do this only by coming together as a family and their recovery stories inspire us all and drive everything we do. Every rupee given enables us to reach out and help the very children who need us most. We are forever thankful for your commitment and wonderful support we receive every time we approach you.
Thank you!
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Every gift, large or small, symbolizes an investment in the future. When you support Noel Foundation, You will be supporting a needy family of India which desperately needs a helping hand in ensuring their Child receive the medical care, education and love.